For Teenagers
- Stay away from isolated areas, even if you are in a group you are still vulnerable
- Keep emergency cash with you at all times, you never know when you are going to need a taxi
- Designate one person in your group of friends to be sober during a party so they can help if the situation starts to get unsafe.
- Don’t go off to an isolated area with someone you just met, bad people can be good at first impressions. Always stay within earshot of your friends.
- If a friend is intoxicated don’t leave them alone, make sure someone in your friend group is watching them.
- If you are camping or staying at a cottage try to stay as sober as possible because the woods are dangers to navigate while intoxicated.
- Leave the party with the same people you came with.
- Never leave your drink unattended; if you accidentally step away from your drink throw it away immediately.
- If your friends seem to be more drunk than they should be get them home immediately.
- Be wary of punch bowls, just because everyone is drinking it doesn’t make it safe. Ask the host what is in the punch so you can make your own drink.
- If you or someone you know was sexually assaulted follow these instructions: tell someone you can trust, contact a local sexual assault center, get medical help if needed or if there is a chance of sexaully transmitted diseases, report the incident to the police, and if you encounter people that don’t believe you move on to someone else.
- Mental health is a major part of staying healthy, if you or others you know are behaving in unusual ways contact the National Institute of Mental Health, and browse their resources to learn about mental health disorders.
- Drinking or drug use is a problem if it is causing trouble in relationships, in school, in social activities, or in your thoughts and feelings.
- The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has a page dedicated to teens with facts, videos, resources, and ways to get involved.
For Guardians
- Suicide is the second leading cause of death for teenagers, learn the warning signs and contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline right now if you or others are considering suicide.
- Getting addicted to nicotine can happen through cigarettes, chewing tobacco, or e-cigarettes, the sooner you try to quit the easier it will be so quit now.
- Secondhand smoke contributes to roughly 41,000 deaths each year, so even if you don’t smoke get your friends and family members to quit.